C y m b a l t a
c a n
h e l p .
Cym balta
now approved
by the
FDA for the
m anagem ent
m usculoskeletal
There is good news.
When taken once a day, every day, Cymbalta can help
significantly reduce your chronic osteoarthritis pain or
chronic low back pain. It is a non-narcotic, non-NSAID
prescription medicine.
Did you know that your body has a natural pain-suppressing
system that can help regulate the amount of pain you feel?
Although the exact way that Cymbalta works to reduce chronic
osteoarthritis pain or chronic low back pain is unknown, it is
believed that Cymbalta helps lessen pain by enhancing the
body’s natural pain-suppressing system by increasing the activity
of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain and spinal cord.
Visit cymbalta.com or call 1-877-CYMBALTA to learn more.
Ask your doctor about Cymbalta.
Cymbalta is approved for the management of chronic
musculoskeletal pain in people with chronic osteoarthritis
pain and chronic low back pain.
Im p o rta n t S a fe ty In fo rm a tio n A b o u t C y m b a lta
The m ost im portant inform ation you should know
about C ym balta:
Antidepressants can increase suicidal thoughts and
behaviors in children, teens, and young adults. Suicide is
a known risk of depression and some other psychiatric
disorders. Call your doctor right away if you have new
or worsening depression symptoms, unusual changes in
behavior, or thoughts of suicide. Be especially observant
within the first few months of treatment or after a change
in dose. Approved only for adults 18 and over.
Cym balta® (duloxetine H C I) is not for everyone.
Do not take C ym balta if you:
• have recently taken a type of antidepressant called a
Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor (MAOI) or Mellaril® (thioridazine)
• have uncontrolled narrow-angle glaucoma (increased
eye pressure)
Talk w ith your h ealth care provider:
• about all your medical conditions, including kidney or liver
problems, glaucoma, diabetes, seizures, or if you have
bipolar disorder. Cymbalta may worsen a type of glaucoma
or diabetes
• if you have itching, right upper belly pain, dark urine, yellow
skin/eyes, or unexplained flu-like symptoms while taking
Cymbalta, which may be signs of liver problems. Severe
liver problems, sometimes fatal, have been reported
• about your alcohol use
• about all your medicines, including those for migraine, to
address a potentially life-threatening condition. Symptoms
may include high fever, confusion, and stiff muscles
• if you are taking NSAID pain relievers, aspirin, or blood
thinners. Use with Cymbalta may increase bleeding risk
• before stopping Cymbalta or changing your dose
• if you experience dizziness or fainting upon standing while
taking Cymbalta. This is likely to occur in the first week or
when increasing the dose, but may occur at any time
during treatment
• about your blood pressure. Cymbalta can increase your
blood pressure. Your healthcare provider should check
your blood pressure prior to and while taking Cymbalta
• if you experience headache, weakness, confusion,
problems concentrating, memory problems, or feel
unsteady while taking Cymbalta, which may be signs of
low sodium levels
• if you develop problems with urine flow while taking Cymbalta
• if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant during
therapy, or are breast-feeding
M o s t c o m m o n s id e e ffe c ts o f C y m b a lta
(th is is not a c o m p le te list):
• nausea, dry mouth, sleepiness, fatigue, constipation,
dizziness, decreased appetite, and increased sweating
You are encouraged to report negative side effects of
Prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch
or call 1-800-FDA-1088.
O th e r s a fe ty in fo rm a tio n a b o u t C y m b a lta :
Cymbalta may cause sleepiness and dizziness. Until you
know how Cymbalta affects you, you should not drive a car
or operate hazardous machinery.
H o w to ta k e C y m b a lta :
Take Cymbalta exactly as directed by your healthcare provider.
Cymbalta should be taken by mouth. Do not open, break or
chew capsule, it must be swallowed whole. Cymbalta can be
taken with or without food.
See back page for additional Information For Patients
About Cymbalta, including Boxed Warning.
C y m b a l t a c a n h e lp .
C y m b a l t a " ' - ™
ip for
Prescription Assistance
If you need assistance with prescription
costs, help may be available.
Visit www.pparx.org or call 1-888-4PPA-NOW.
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